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You can't pour from an empty cup.

Are you ready to prioritize your wellness and make a change?


Navigating the world of nutrition can be very confusing and stressful, especially when you’re not feeling your best. How do you really know what you should eat?


You may feel overwhelmed as to what to eat to support your body and are too tired, bloated, and stressed to figure it out. Deep down you feel frustrated with the approach many of your doctors have taken and know that even if "your labs look great!" something doesn't feel right.


You may… 

-Strive to feel lighter and stronger in your body. 

-Feel confused about why you get so bloated as the day goes on. 

-Hit a wall in the afternoon, needing to grab caffeine or sugar for energy.

-Feel bogged down by PMS symptoms each month, not feeling like yourself.

-Fight late night cravings and binges. 

-Become extremely overwhelmed when faced with stress. 


By using my experiences, nutritional education, guidance, goal setting and accountability I will help you discover your pathway to wellness. Together we figure out what healthy eating looks like for you, so you can feel empowered to support your body towards becoming the healthiest version of yourself! 


It is important to me that as we formulate a plan to address your health concerns we spend time for me to understand your daily life. We will delve into analyzing your health history, current lifestyle habits, irritating symptoms and concerns you commonly experience. We will address any nutritional imbalances using Nutritional Therapy, supplementation, and lifestyle support practices. You will learn how to tune into your body's needs to restore and optimize your well-being. My goal is to help you figure out how to support your wellness and minimize your symptoms through building habits that are enjoyable and sustainable to your lifestyle.


With an emphasis on eating minimally processed whole-foods you will explore and embrace your unique relationship to nutrition in order to gain insight around how certain foods make you feel physically and emotionally. We will cover the importance of optimizing digestion, balancing blood sugar, properly hydrating, supporting detoxification pathways, and managing your stress to create a safe environment for your body to thrive in.  


This approach is not a quick fix; change takes time, consistency, lots of self-love and compassion. 

But that's why I am here.

We'll take one step at a time. We’ve got this! 

Working With Elizabeth

Tools we Use to Evaluate and Heal

NAQ & Health History Intake


I do detective work to gain a deep understanding between various lifestyle factors and your signs and symptoms. I evaluate your Health History, Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire, and Symptom Burden Graph. Symptoms can take years to accumulate and overtime they can turn into a domino effect. I need to dig deep to understand why they are happening in the first place. 

Food Mood Journal


This in-depth analysis of your daily nutrition intake, lifestyle habits, and patterns around your symptoms helps me better understand your motivators, concerns, and needs. With this information we increase your awareness of the patterns around what you eat, how you feel, how much you move and how you digest your food in order to identify opportunities for support while creating your personalized Wellness Plan.

Motivational Interviewing & SMART Goals


As your practitioner I am like a GPS system, providing you with a roadmap to help you navigate where to go; and you are the driver, owning responsibility and deciding which route you feel best taking. I partner with you in order to define your wellness goals and create a personalized Wellness Plan to support behavior change that aligns with your vision. We always start with what feels most important and realistic to you and will break down your plan into actionable steps that are specific, measurable and attainable. Together, we bridge the gap between knowing what you want to do and actually doing it by building habits that you will be able to maintain throughout your lifetime. You will feel confident about how to move forward and make progress.

Functional Testing

I currently run the GI-Map Stool Test, the MRT Food Sensitivity Panel, and the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA). Though these are not diagnostic tests, they are used as tools to identify any underlying imbalances in the body. I believe in testing, not guessing, which reduces stress while figuring out what support your body needs nutritionally.

Learn more about HTMA testing Here.

Learn more about GI-Map and MRT testing Here.

An Ideal Client:

You are motivated to understand how to make healthy choices to feel better

You feel stuck and want support in sticking to your goals and making progress

Prioritizing your wellness is important to you, but you feel overwhelmed with where to start

You have tried different diets and nothing seems to work and you are tired of feeling deprived

You are ready to feel better and increase your resilience but struggle with feeling overwhelmed 

Client Testimonials

"I had the pleasure of working with Elizabeth for about a year. She was amazing. She helped me so much with managing nutrition to support Diabetes, and even sent many recipes and resources that I still use today. But it didn't stop there as she also helped with my overall health and happiness. She took a genuine interest in my particular case and really listened to me and did everything she could to encourage. So easy to work with and so helpful, if you have the chance I would highly recommend working with Elizabeth! She will be your friend for life!"

-Loc R, FL

"Elizabeth is very skilled at listening and affirming while also getting to the heart of things. Many times she helped me see ways I was getting in my own way, or see things from a different perspective in a way that was enlightening. She really has a gift and I am very grateful to have worked with her!"  

-Amy P, California

  • What is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner?
    I am certified through the Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA) as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP). Below is the official description: “A Nutritional Therapy Practitioner is a nutritional therapist certified by the NTA to evaluate nutritional needs and make recommendations for dietary changes, helping clients balance body chemistry and achieve optimal wellness. NTPs are not trained to diagnose or treat pathological conditions, injuries, or diseases.” So what does this mean? NTP's help clients tap into their body's innate intelligence by supporting the foundations of health to get their body's systems functioning optimally. Your body knows what it needs to obtain health. We strengthen your foundations by eating a balanced diet consisting of properly prepared whole-foods, optimizing digestion because you aren't just what you eat but what you absorb, supporting blood sugar regulation, improving fatty acid balance and mineral balance and making your you are properly hydrating. By giving your body the nutrients it needs and by insuring proper absorption of these nutrients, we give your body the tools to enable healing. As an NTP I do not diagnose or treat medical conditions. Instead, I work with you to nourish your body and support your systems so your body can find its pathway to health. Many clients work with me alongside working with their doctor. We further support your body's building blocks through a holistic approach incorporating a nutrient-dense diet, therapeutic-grade supplements, and lifestyle modifications. I am trained to analyze your nutritional needs based on your current health experience in order to focus on reversing the causes rather than masking the symptoms. Instead of focusing on one or two symptoms themselves, I take a comprehensive approach to address how your body is functioning as an organism, a system. Yes, we can still address a specific symptom, but you will leave our work finding that overall you are more balanced with a better mood, increased energy, healthier weight, and overall become in sync with your body.
  • What conditions can Nutritional Therapy help?
    Nutritional Therapy is beneficial for anyone who wants to improve their health and wellbeing, and understand how to maintain that state of wellness. Symptoms can accumulate overtime, so there is no concern too small that should not be addressed. Examples include bloating, constipation, irregular periods, PMS symptoms, anxiety, fatigue, and acne. ​
  • What happens if I don't stick to the diet?
    What happens if I don't stick to the diet? Don't expect me to put you on a diet like "keto" or "vegan" unless that diet works for you. I believe in working with your unique needs and preferences to help you figure out which foods make you feel your best. Together we build your lifestyle around consuming these foods the majority of the time, but it is not a strict diet to follow. ​
  • Do you take insurance?
    The services I provide are not currently covered by insurance. ​ ​
  • What makes you different than other Nutritional Therapists?
    Having dealt with various symptoms and feeling so sick myself, I understand exactly what you are going through. Knowing that something is wrong but feeling misunderstood in the medical field is extremely frustrating. I understand what it feels like thinking you are stuck, but I also experienced what regaining my health and wellness feels like too! I truly put my entire being; heart and soul into supporting you every step along the way. I hold space to fully understand every concern, and tailor an action plan specific to fit your bio-individual needs. ​
  • How long will this take?
    It takes about 90 days for cells to regenerate so you need to allow yourself time to heal. You did not get at this place overnight. By taking it one step at a time, you will enable your body to rejuvenate. This is not a quick fix or a fad-diet. It is a lifestyle you are creating to achieve and to maintain wellness. Most clients notice greater results within 3-6 months of being consistent. ​
  • Am I able to work with you online or over the phone if I’m out of state?
    Yes! I am eligible to work with clients residing in the US. I work with many clients locally, but most are remote and sessions are completed via Zoom and/or phone call depending on what you prefer.
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