Gut Testing
Testing provides insight into what the ecosystem of your gut microbiome is looking like, what may be contributing to inflammation, while also identifying the functionality of your digestive system (a.k.a your gut's ability to heal). Getting a full picture shows us the root of your symptoms, whether they are gut-related or not. This takes all guessing out of the equation when creating protocols pertaining to nutrition and supplementation.
Learn More About Gut Testing
What Is the GI-Map and MRT Food Sensitivity Test?​
The GI-MAP is an at-home stool test that maps out the terrain in your gut microbiome. Through a one-time stool sample we can better understand the quantities of bacteria, yeast, fungi, viral load, parasites and worms inhabiting your GI tract. This is helpful for understanding how we can target supplement protocols to bring balance back to your system. The test also portrays how well the digestive tract is functioning which is key for understanding how to support your system to repair and heal. The MRT test shows us what foods are currently causing inflammatory responses in your system. This is a tool that helps us eliminate triggering foods while we work to repair your gut, with the goal of being able to reintroduce this foods again without causing an inflammatory response.
What Does GI-Map Tell You About Your Health?
The GI-MAP is designed to detect microbes that may be disturbing healthy balance within the gut that may be contributing to illness and symptoms. We also learn indicators of digestion, absorption, inflammation, and immune function. The GI-MAP is an amazing tool for diving into knowing exactly what is happening within your gut microbiome. The digestive system is the basis of health for the entire body, which it is a helpful starting point on your wellness journey. Even if you have symptoms unrelated to your digestion; ie: skin conditions, it all traces back to the gut.
How does GI-MAP compare to other stool tests?
GI-MAP is a very sensitive stool test and goes beyond standard lab testing that your doctor may run. Traditional stool testing uses small samples to look for specific pathogens under a microscope. Some microorganisms, especially yeast, bacteria, and parasites may not be present or viable for viewing or culturing in that one sample, and as a result, many pathogens are missed. Many of these pathogens may also die off during transit time after the test is taken. The GI-MAP uses qPCR technology to measure certain ribosomal RNA regions and other target-specific gene fragments to detect bacteria. Through the implementation of DNA techniques, there is a greater ability to identify pathogens that might be present. The GI-MAP also only requires one sample, instead of several.
Who should do a GI-Map Test?
Whether or not you have symptoms related to your GI tract, you can benefit from the GI-Map and MRT sensitivity test. Digestion is the foundation of health for your entire body as it is responsible for breaking down into nutrients that food that literally become you. Every cell, tissue, and organ is created from the food that you eat, but you have to be able to digest the food properly. Poor digestion can have a downstream effect on immunity, skin health, mental health, hormone health, thyroid health and more!